Originally Posted by jedi_sol
Still calibrating the SGII.
I did a 3rd fillup and got 49.9mpg. This seems like a more reasonable number since Daox mentioned that my first tank of 58.83mpg was unusually high for stop and go driving.
It's probably because when first filled up, i way overfilled and spilled a bunch of gas...my second fillup where I got 58.8mpg I most likely did a short fill (I noticed that the gas gauge did not go past the "F" mark).
I'm starting to think that the motor was rebuilt sometime in the past? First, the compression numbers looked really good for an engine with 179K miles. Second, I did a Seafoam treatment this weekend and hardly any white smoke came out. Third, I did a WOT throttle run to test HP and SGii calculated 55hp.
Anywho, i picked up some Synchromesh this weekend so hopefully I'll finish all of the basic maintenance by next weekend.
If these engines are taken care of they will last forever (almost). My 2000 metro has about 225,000 miles on it and the last compression test was
210 x 3, good as new.