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Old 02-03-2016, 12:47 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
Sorry but this is totally wrong. Larger combustion chamber areas will absorb more of the heat energy through their surface and waste it into the cooling system. And I believe that combustion chamber area is a bigger factor in heat absorption than swept area because peak temps are already dropping by the time the piston has moved down exposing the cylinder walls. So long stroke engines are more efficient than over square engines. And a single cylinder of the same bore/ stroke ratio and displacement has less surface area in the combustion chamber and is more efficient than a twin.
We're basically saying the same thing.
You mentioned that a twin is less efficient than a single cylinder.
That's basically what I have been saying.
Larger cylinders run more efficiently than smaller ones, as the surface area (cylinder walls) of a smaller engine are proportionally much larger than on a larger engine.
I mean to say, a single 250 is more efficient than a twin 250 (with 2x125cc), and more efficient than a 4 cylinder 63cc per cylinder.
Also more efficient than a 63cc at speeds where the larger engine isn't lugging.
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