Originally Posted by jamesqf
But why on earth would you want to drive in city centers/business districts, if there was any practical alternative?
Every time I drive into the metropolis for a meeting or motoring event, I ask myself the same thing. Even paying a ridiculous Uber surcharge makes more sense than killing yourself sitting in two hour gridlock just to get across town.
When I'm not making maximal use of a vehicle (three to four occupants), I usually take a bus or walk. Even bought a kick-scooter to extend my walking range off-bus, but am wondering if a folding bike would do even better.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
There are plenty of people whose lifestyle does not take them into city centers &c on a regular basis, certainly not every workday. With the spread of reasonably fast internet into rural areas, more people will be able to avoid commuting.
I think this is the elephant in the "disruptive technology" room that the speaker is missing. Telecommuting is a potentially much bigger threat to motoring than EVs... because not everyone can afford a Tesla, but almost everyone can afford internet. Much of my additional income over the past several years comes from online work. To the point where actual physical office work feels redundant. Give us faster internet so we can successfully teleconference, and I'd never have to show my face at my desk.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
I'd go even further: the quiet is yet another reason to drive an EV.