Looked at the tinkerkit LCD code last night, and realized a few things. First, I programmed my test platform with the ICSP programmer instead of through the USB port, so I lost the USB functionality. Second, the brightness control has stopped working. Third, in an attempt to return my test platform to normal, I managed to brick my ICSP programmer. Fourth, I had another one of the TinkerKit LCD modules sitting in my pile of clearance RadioShack purchases.
Figured that the tinkerkit LCD would make a good MPGuino, though. Maybe you can help develop it? I need to verify that the assigned fuel injector and VSS pins work as planned, for one. A small IO protoboard with the necessary resistors and Zener diodes will need to be made, as well. I made one for the 5-position switch, already.
Last edited by t vago; 02-09-2016 at 05:33 PM..
Reason: ICSP, not ISP. Also, clarification