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Old 02-11-2016, 05:30 AM   #30 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
No, because if it were simply about owning a car, then a silent Tesla or other EV would be just as good (or even better, given the cost & performance) than an oversized something with a big V8 and inadequate mufflers, probably belching black smoke into the air. ("Rolling coal")
Doesn't need to be a landyacht, something like a Lotus Seven replica or a Baja Bug would already suffice for weekend racing. Electrics feel more like an appliance-car better suited to daily commuting.

It's IMHO just insecurity that makes these guys (and they are mostly guys) think that a) they neet to prove their "manhood" to a world that mostly doesn't care; and b) the best way to do this is to inflict their noise & stink on the rest of us.
It's not about a need to prove manhood for anybody else to see, it's just a matter of personal preferences.
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