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Old 02-12-2016, 10:22 PM   #8 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Location: Salem, Oregon
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Mazda 3 - '06 Mazda 3 iTouring
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I don't have any city driving. Mostly highway driving.
Last tank was only 22mpg but average driving speed was about 80mph.

Gas pedal and throttle both having low voltage at the same time sounds like an ECU problem. Good move avoiding that one.
The best it gets is about 26 to 27 if I slow down.

The whole electronic throttle on these engines is their weak point. If VW would have stuck with a normal throttle cable like almost everyone else was running at that time they would be about as perfect as an electronic fuel injected turbo motor could be.
Wow, that is really odd that your bug gets such bad MPG. At 80 MPH, I get about 35 MPG. I would have to be constantly passing someone like a jerk to get only 22. I don't mind the throttle all that much as it seems to work well for me. How many miles on your bug?

I just looked it up and saw that your vehicle has a CD of .39 without rear spoiler. Mine has a CD of .27 so perhaps that plays a big role in the MPG differences.

Last edited by dfeldt91; 02-12-2016 at 10:30 PM..
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