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Old 02-13-2016, 05:04 AM   #1 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Chorizo - '00 Honda Civic HX, baby! :D
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Don't hit me bro - '05 Toyota Camry LE
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Increased MPG by 6-13% by cleaning EGR passages!

I started my new job October First doing in-home speech therapy and my first clients were fairly far apart.

Somehow, I am missing two months of fill data! I logged 46.73 MPG in August and my first tank a week and a half after starting my new job was 44.14.

Then 40.4.

Excluding one short trip where I was supposed to follow my girlfriend's father, who seemed determined to lose me, I have filled up ten times since starting the job, achieving 38.72 - 43.96 MPG, averaging about 41.

Then I had a CEL for low EGR flow and cleaned the passages. It would have been pretty quick and easy, but while Eric the Car Guy, Scotty Kilmer, and everyone else say to reuse the old metal gasket, I ended up deciding to replace mine.

What nobody told me is that you need to order a new EGR valve gasket, which is only $3-7, but I needed to order it and drive a rental until it arrived.

How bad would it have been to reattach it without the gasket?

Exhaust leak?

Anyway, I finally finished my first tank after cleaning the passages. I went 40.8 miles further than I had since starting the job, at 46.6 MPG!

That is 2.67 MPG and 6% better than my recent best tank and 5.6 MPG and 13.8% better than my ten-tank average.

Last edited by Xist; 06-02-2016 at 06:31 PM.. Reason: I wrote "$7 dollars!"
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