Going to buy a used prius as a second car. What to look at?
I aim going to buy a used prius as a second car.
This is to replace our second car.
An 1.4lx 3door nissan sunny beater.
I can use the prius for 30% for mu commutes.
So, what do i need to look at? What years are good? Witch prius do you reccomend and why?
Drive smart, save fuel, save money, spare the enviroment
But keep having fun!
I can drift

Previous car. SUV. From 2011 + 10l/100km to 2017 5,516l/100km.
2017 without holiday: 5,397l/100km
EPA Rated average: 8,1l/100km
Current ride: plug in 285hp hybrid
EPA Rated average: 2,8l/100km