The gas pump doesn't indicate how much ethanol it has. The clerk knows nothing, too. Any way to tell % of ethanol? Is Chevron and Shell better? I notice Chevron gas gives my xB better mpg when the car is getting old. (no difference when it is new) However, the price is more than 2.5% and far away from my home. Shell is even more expensive (4%) in my area.... Not that cost effective.
So far, my mod costs almost no money except transmission fluid. That is maintenance cost. I agree SG can improve my FE, especially when I drive in city and accelerate. Highway cruising has nothing to change since I can't drive slower and I drive 80% highway. So, I expect SG will bring me another 1 or 2mpg. Besides FE improvement, SG can help me to monitor coolant temperature, so I can fine tune the grille block. It also tells me if any sudden mpg drop happened. I know it is a great investment. I will buy one after someone rent my house

Hey, Zman, have you bought one yet? Also, congratulation for the good last 3 tanks!! What have you done besides changing the lighter rim?
Next tank will be filled up on Friday. I hope getting better result since more highway driving in the week days.