Hurray it works!!!
haha. It works beautifully now! Super duper smooth. You can command any torque or regen torque (make it spin forward or backwards too). It converges in about 0.002 seconds to whatever torque you want. And it is VERY stable at that torque. I also have the field weakening working with it. So it's flat super stable Id and Iq currents until you run out of voltage. I should have just asked e*clipse! I had a misunderstanding about how many resolver revolutions per electrical revolution the toyota MGR produces. It does 1 resolver revolution per 2 electrical revolutions!!!!! The leaf does 1 resolver revolution per 1 electrical revolution. I emailed e*clipse and he was all "I could have told you that!" hahaha. I had been so proud of discovering it. LOL. From now on, I am going to email him instead of taking apart the motor.
I'll post a couple videos later. That motor is sooooo smooth and glorious. I don't want to punch people from Toyota anymore.