That was from running out of voltage. The max frequency does a similar thing, but I had made a mistake on computing the RPM when I was cutting and pasting and rearranging stuff, so the rpm was just zero as far as the microcontroller was concerned. I was being over careful with running out of voltage. I was chopping IdRef and IqRef down too much. It worked a little different than that on the induction motor. This motor needs a bit of a tweek, so when it hits the ceiling, I don't knock them down quite as much. So it's a little, gentle bounce against the voltage disk limit rather than a big bouncy ball. haha.
I'd say going fast enough to get oil to splatter everywhere is progress! I already have the table that it's on, as well as the floor covered in transmission fluid, because I refilled it before screwing back on the holes, and putting back on the round things that spin (freebeard told me the name of those, and now I forgot). The neat thing is, now the motors can just glide across the table, since it's saturated in transmission fluid. So it's easy to swap out motors now. haha