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Old 03-05-2016, 03:00 AM   #13 (permalink)
Isaac Zackary
Full sized hybrid.
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Suzy - '13 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
That is not good if it has LiFePO4 battery. I don't know what YM leafs used them.
Problem with LiFePO4 when you go much below freezing is:
Power output goes into the toilet.
Batteries are permanently damaged if charged when colder than 20'F, I know the leaf has a battery temperature controller, but the car will be spending a good amount of time and energy keeping the battery warmed.
Knowing that, when you plug in the battery will have to warm up some before it can start charging.
As far as I can tell the heat kills those batteries more than the cold, it was developed in japan where they understand what cold is. The batteries I know of that suffered damage were mostly in Arizona.

I live in NM and pull my LiFePO4 starting battery out at night when its cold here.
Wikipedia says this:

The pack contains air-cooled, stacked laminated Lithium ion manganese oxide batterys.
I don't know how those compares to LifePo4 (Lithium Ferrous Phosphate) batteries.
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