Well I did compression test again.
Dry: 1: 200 2: 190 3: 190
Wet: 1: 210 2: 200 3: 195
Seem good to me within 15 psi of one another and was rated at 199 psi in book.
I also testing my coasting high and low speed fine, so no bad dragging.
And rechecked vacuum lines no leaks or cracks, sprayed intake manifold to throttle body, and intake to head with fine mist of water doesn't appear to leaking there. The only question on this though on the carbon canister there are 3 lines 1 to engine 1 to tank and 1 to ?. The one to gas tank is a steel line from front to rear
Does this line carry vacuum, if it had a rust hole would that cause any issues?
I checked temp of catalytic converter after 20 minutes driving was 450* F don't know what it is supposed to be someone key in here if that seems too hot. Was testing with infrared thermometer to see if it is plugged.
The only thing I am thinking is I have not changed fuel filter and it looks a little rusty so probably been on there awhile. Could a fuel filter cause bad mileage? It seems to run pretty smooth. Except every once in a while at a light it starts to shake more at idle, not very often maybe 1 out of 20 times if that.
Alignment seems good it glides right down the road does not drift one way or other and coasts good.
I am running out of ideas.