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Old 03-06-2016, 08:52 PM   #67 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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[I'm one of those Bangshift guys that followed the link here. I'll post here what I posted there.

The classic car lover part of me is screaming “NOOOO!!!!”, but the tinkerer in me is nodding and saying “very interesting.” I think the reason the tinkerer part of me is saying that is this guy has the knowledge and skill to pull it off. Hell, you can see how much homework he’s done in just the first few pages. Slow or not, it’s not going to be some slapped together, unsafe at any speed POS. It may not be hot rodding, but I would definitely call it car crafting. I do wish he’d do it with something other than a first-year Firebird ‘vert, but it’s his car and this is the USA. He’s free to do what he wants with it. But on a brighter note, he’s been selling the usable unused parts of both cars to live again elsewhere. I would also imagine he’s recycling the scrap also. I’ll be following this build with interest.

I do find this build to be very interesting. Not my cup of tea per se, but I'm always appreciative of a hard build and the talent it takes to make it happen. I'm definitely impressed with the work I've seen thus far and can't wait to see more!
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