Originally Posted by mcrews
Do you realize the cost of the parts and the size for computers compared to the size of parts and cost for a car!!????
Actually, yes. I've installed engines (after having removed them first :-)) and computer parts, and getting the right part is a heck of a lot easier with cars. For instance, there's an obvious difference between a V6 and a V8, while all Intel CPUs, hard drives, RAM sticks, and so on look exactly the same except for some printing. Then there's DIP chips with labels that you often can't read without a magnifying glass and tilting the chip so the light hits just right. And let's not even talk about surface mount devices :-(
Then too, with a properly-organized factory, the correct parts should be scheduled to arrive at assembly points automatically, so people don't have to look at some printed order sheet and select e.g. one engine from a pile. Not that I'm claiming that the US auto industry always had properly-organized factories, you understand :-)