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Old 03-19-2016, 01:09 AM   #26 (permalink)
Isaac Zackary
Full sized hybrid.
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Suzy - '13 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Remember most consumer grade backup generators can not run any where near full load continuously.
Typically the wiring in them is under sized for max rated load.
Your right! I just saw where the EU7000 is only rated for 5,500W continuous. That's about 22 to 25amps depending on whether it's at an actual 220 or 240V.

So for a $4,500 generator, you'd have to drive for an hour and a half, then park, start there generator, and wait for 4.5 hours. Then drive for another 1.5 hours.

I've been finding there's more level 2 charging stations around than I realized. But between here and Denver there aren't very many. Looks like there's a guy who shares his 220V 50 outlet in Salida. Another lady so does the same in Buena Vista. But from there through all South Park the really aren't any. And having to cross the Continental Divide just to get to Salida kind of gives me doubts.
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