Originally Posted by freebeard
You are proposing pulling an 8x15ft trailer with a Leaf?!?
Unless the reflector is twice the size of the panel you won't double the output except maybe in one precise solar alignment.
Uh... Yes...
Ya. It's probably not the greatest idea. But yes, I figured the reflector(s) would have to be about twice the size of the solar panel. I was thinking I could make two both the same size of the solar panel and put one on each side reflecting sun onto one half each. Two halves make a whole! Of course I'd constantly have to turn the thing and adjust it's angle to keep the reflection square on the solar panel.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Cd 0.28 to 0.18 is not as easy as, for instance, 0.38 to 0.28; it's close to halving the resistance. But aero is the 'low-ahanging fruit'.
I was thinking of following the Aero-Civic in design. For $400 with of materials it sounds like the best bargain compared to any other range extending option. It wouldn't give a guy the freedom like an ICE would but it still would help get him a little closer.