Here's what I consider my success story:
When I started this journey a couple of years ago I had a household EPA of 23 mpg. It then progressed to 47 MPG by ditching the guzzlers and getting a more economical car for the wife and I modded the
beater and my driving habits. I then proceeded to retire my car and now commute extensively on my bike in suburbia. The household EPA is now 55 MPG.
I've also cut my home energy use by 1/3 with a power monitor, CFL, insulation and modding my habits from observing the loads with the monitor.
The family has come around now and are on the program. We walk when distance allows and everyone is on the same page. Even the neighbors, who at one point though I was the mad scientist have slowly come around.
In these times it fun to see the effort slowly grow. Every week I see one more person that I've been in contact with become a convert and that a good thing.