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Old 03-27-2016, 10:09 PM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Geofly View Post
The way our insurance and registration works here after I have had it inspected once so long as I keep my insurance and registration renewed it will never be inspected again. I know it's stupid but unless the police pull you over and decide that they think it might not meet the transportation rules and then have it inspected. Which I have never heard of them doing if it's not for commercial use.
You never know beforehand if a cop is in a bad mood after sleeping on the couch or having to take the mother-in-law to the church on a Sunday morning, so it still seems better to avoid trouble with them and go with the most low-profile mods possible. If you could make it not look so much like it's made out of wood, go for it, but you'd be better off to add some under-hood blanket to reduce heat irradiation that would eventually degrade the wood.
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