After 32 years working on cars when I was faced with the choice using the cheapest aftermarket parts versus the OE Nissan parts I insisited on using, I chose to leave the business altogether.
I did not see any future in trying to FIX peoples cars efficiently and to a life expectancy that they expected to match the original parts that had lasted 150k + miles, while still being able to make a decent living and not waste my time and my customers money chasing down the defective part I just replaced, versus KNOWING the part I had just replaced was now a finished step in a process of a complete repair.
Compounded by the exponential increase in complexity of the various systems, I could only see increasing levels of frustration, wasted efforts, and failures in process compounded by the unknown of defective replacement parts, I changed careers and sold my business.
The problem you have in properly repairing your car to run they way it did when new, without knowing every single part that was replaced and the infinite combination of
potential reminds me of why I quit the auto repair business.
I hope you have great success but fear it may be a very frustrating journey.
Last edited by user removed; 04-04-2016 at 11:01 AM..