Here is a side view of the trailer after we got back yesterday from getting the trailer braking problem diagnosed and fixed. You may note we took the rear shelf, bumper, and spare tire off.
We set out heading south with a 13 mph tailwind. We pulled up to 11.3 mpg with that making my actual airspeed equivalent to 50 mph. Round trip we drove 95 miles and averaged 9.3 mpg at the top of the driveway. These are computer generated numbers, but they are very encouraging none the less.
An 18% improvement in mpg from a 36% reduction in wake area gets me up to 11 mpg, which is impressive for a rig this size. I am looking at trimming the bumpers on each side by about 6 inches which will stop them from sticking out into the air stream. We were very pleased with the new numbers we registered yesterday.