If you push past 250 again, I think we should all invest heavily in building brand-new Centurions with little diesels under the hood. I can imagine a weekly fill-up to the tune of three gallons!"
The Spitfire/GT6 is actually a really nice platform to use for high mileage prototypes. The chassis only weighs 100lbs and the stock suspension components are relatively light. There is also a very mature mod community for these cars so lots of competition components to be had. It never takes me much time to find a good deal on these cars.
I think for the average Joe these cars can make a lot of sense if you are willing to spend the time learning how to build something yourself. I for one would also love to see more Centurions and there derivatives on the roadways. In the next few years I think between CJ's Centurion and my Centurion we will have a pretty darn good idea of the potentials of these cars. I think this will help out the cause for others to press forward with there own Centurion builds.
The great news is that both CJ and me will be there for support. Every Centurion that I have seen are unique but the core car platform is the same. This is also the beauty of these cars is that they are easily modified to your own individual needs and desires. To me you get a lot more out of the Centurion than just a car. You get your own work of art and personal satisfaction that is impossible to obtain down at your local car lot

Not to mention a car that can win the Toyota GGP multiple years in a row now besting 250mpg that's just icing on the cake in my opinion
Best of luck CJ at the GGP I along with everyone else will be watching eagerly stay safe out there.
Team Centurion FTW