Originally Posted by California98Civic
The goal is simply reliable data on the transmissions of a variety of the fuel sipper Hondas. It could serve several purposes, such as transmission swap planning, identifying whether a specific transmission has the gearing advertised, understanding speedo/odo variations, which transmissions might bolt-up easily and which would need mods, and probably more... it's a record. Some of the info is available elsewhere online in pieces. Other info was not online when I made this. I also sought to confirm as many of the sources as possible in reputable places (so that as few errors as possible creep in, like the wikipedia typo you just mentioned).
As much as possible, I got the data from Honda or confirmed it with Honda. I searched widely for Honda FSMs and found a bunch.
I'm always open to corrections.
But you're not going to cover any ground that either myself or Bone haven't already covered, discussed, debated, or entertained.
I'm all for progression. But the emphasis here is efficiency. There's nothing more inefficient than going to great lengths to discover what is already known.
So again, I ask, what exactly are y'all trying to figure out here?