The 70mm throttle body from an E150 van or F250 SD or something. I think the stock one was 65mm. The engine is a lot more responsive now. I cleaned it up and painted it red. The throttle lever was pretty corroded so I dunked in phosphoric acid to get down to the bare steel and then DIY zinc plated it. I haven't seen any corrosion on it yet after 3 months.
The 70 mm TB came with this reusable gasket with some vanes on it. I figured Ford put them on for a reason and left them there. A lot of the Mustang guys cut them off. The E-150 uses a different intake elbow after the TB so maybe that helps straighten the air out
The water pump pulley is substantially larger than the OEM one to slow down the pump. There are 2-3 different pumps I could have gotten. The police one has an extra vane and larger diameter vanes to have more flow, while the one for a Mustang Cobra has 7 shorter vanes to free up some HP. I got the police one when I replaced it since I didn't know about the differences at the time.