Funny stories about credit card dept. Tracking my score on my discover card, my credit rating skyrocketed to something around 850 becuase I forgot about a $3 bill on my account for a couple months. They were charging me $0.50 a month in interest. I think it was in conjunction with a move and I didn't get a bill for that time. Anyway, I paid off the now $4.50 bill and my credit rating dropped to 730ish. Credit card companies are rewarding people who carry debt with this new "credit score" currency.
2nd story: everyone in my family pays off their credit cards every month. My mom forgot the date and was a couple days late one month recently. She called up saying how long she's been a customer and asked for the late fees and interest to be waived and to pay the bill on the phone. They told her that they couldn't waive anything for her becuase she's always paid off her bill every month. In other words, "we haven't made any money off you, this is our 1 shot and we are taking it".
2007 Ford Focus ZX5 - 91k - SGII, pending upper and lower grill bocks - auto trans
1987 Monte Carlo SS - 5.3/4L80E swap - 13.67 @ 106
2007 Ford Focus Estate - 230k - 33mpg - Retired 4/2018
1995 Saturn SL2 - 256K miles - 44mpg - Retired 9/2014
Cost to Operate Spreadsheet for "The New Focus"