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Old 08-05-2008, 10:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Monroe, LA
Posts: 308

Exploder - '02 Ford Explorer xlt

Rolla - '02 Toyota Corolla ce
Team Toyota
90 day: 44.43 mpg (US)
Thanks: 11
Thanked 13 Times in 12 Posts
I've recently bought a four speed automatic '02 Corolla CE as well. First tank was 37mpg. Changed the oil to Mobil1 5W30 and adjusted the nut behind the wheel a little and my second tank was 41mpg. Mainly, I've just been a little lighter on the accelerator and kept to the speed limit. Mind you, I have a 45 mile commute each way, most of it 55mph rural.
You can check my planned mods, but the ScanGauge is at the top of my list, followed shortly by a grille block (ScanGauge to help monitor temps) and front air dam, some modification to my air intake (looking to eliminate pressure drops). If I go nuts, I'll do some wheel skirts and a belly pan. But I'm going to run August "as-is" and see what I'm averaging.
"Jesus didn't bring 'Natty Lite' to the party. He brought the good stuff."
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