Originally Posted by freebeard
So you're saying the Superbeetle is all prepped for an EV conversion. 
I wish. But I already have ask the parts refurbished, rebuilt or new, except for new rod bushings, which is where I'm at right now. I think I got over $4,000 into this engine. I was shooting for a fuel sipping Super Beetle. But I just never got to finishing it.

Everything from cam to digital timing to ceramic coatings to piston quench and high CR is already set up ready to be put together.
Maybe I could finish just the engine and sell it and then go electric. But I'm still wanting to see what kind of fuel mileage my concoction will actually put out.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Whether you do that or get the Leaf for about the same money—add $3K for a Tesla Powerwall. Quick charge at home.
I'll have to look into that. Thanks!