A recent part purchase was a Honda CBR 250 radiator with electric fan. I decided to go with this unit for its small size and good aftermarket support. While I could have gone with an even smaller unit I thought this was a good compromise and should give me better cooling ability for longer trips than the tiny 85cc motorcycle/ATV radiators. This radiator will be hooked up to the EWP80 digital thermometer and water pump system that I have. I think this combination along with Evans high performance waterless coolant =
High Performance Coolant | Evans Cooling Systems, Inc should give the Centurion a nice advantage getting the small engine up to operating temperature quicker and more efficiently. I should also be able to run the Kubota a bit warmer with the waterless coolant which should help efficiency as well.
Here is a link that talks about Evans High performance Coolant =
Waterless Coolant Improves Engine Life, Boosts MPG 10 Percent