So crexcrex, how did this turn into an argument of Canada vs. America? Let me remind you.
Originally Posted by crexcrex
How does one save gas racing? racing a wasteful sport indeed! when you are paying over five bucks at the pump you will be biking to the race track to watch them on three wheel bikes pedalling across the finish line.
You are paying four bucks? hell try over five in Canada what do you think the gas prices will be in less than a year? your thinking is as antiquated as a DODO bird
No reply wanted if aany will be deleted without bieng read...........
And then it turned into this...
Originally Posted by crexcrex
Face it you really have to luv a Canuck after all we have oil and you don't have to invade us because our forces? are in Afghanistan bleeding like every other American
You have to luv a Canuck because we have wood that makes for all of them fancy houses now bieng repossesed.
Americans never want for water as we Canucks supply it liberally..........
Electric power. look North and we Canucks who cry like babies have these huge transmission towers frying our brains are sending it to guess who? Americans!
Most of the land and and huge conglomerates are American owned and we give then huge tax breaks.
Canucks have cars and not dog sleds and do not live in Igloo's we are literate and have the Internet.
Unlike Anericans due to the Patriot Act have all of thier rights infringed upon inclusive of free speech...........we Canadians are held hostage by incompetant governments that think Bush is god!
We have civics and most of the metro's i have seen are in the scrap yards waiting to be civics.
Sadly there are very few Canuck ecomodders that I can tangle with via this site.................i have run accross some pretty darned good people and can take a hit if i have said anything out of turn and the reason why is because I am a man................with a mind boggling MPG because i draft all Metro's
Have a good one!
Come on, buddy. This is not the place to bicker about the economic and political differences between two nations. Nor is it the place to use childish insults that have nothing to do with the subject. This is a forum about how to save fuel, and this is a thread about saving fuel on the 1/4 mile. Represent our country like it should be represented... be a proud Canadian, not an egocentric Canadian.
And I'm sure Americans know that Canada is not part of Europe.
Now you can say that you've "tangled" with another Canuck on this site.
Just a note to the other folks... "Eh" is the proper spelling, not "A".
EDIT: I don't think I got my point across very clearly, so I would like to add that there was no reason to get all defensive about Canada, because nobody was attacking it in any way. The topic was about saving fuel on the drag strip, which had very little to do with Canada vs. US.