If it gets so cold there why not just convert to an after cooler and just turn off the after cooler when it's really cold letting the turbo heat the air? While drawing air from under thehood.
My ambient temperatures range from -40°f/c,winter in Mt. to 120°f+ in Las Vegas,NV in summer.
The problem I have is when the turbo isn't producing heat. normally 55mph 1-3psi 450-650EGT.this took 15mi to open the thermostat this evening @~ 43°f
Both are called aftercoolers(after the turbo) and the mistakenly and accepted both are called Intercooler (means inbetween compound turbos) Cummins calls them both Charge air Coolers. Dodge called the water jacket an after cooler. And the air to air an Intercooler on the valve covers, and the name has stuck.
When I considered running a water jacket ,I lived 50mi north of Portland Oregon, from an early 1ST generation pre 91 . But decided agenst this as it would heat the air to 160-200°f in the water jacket IC. Resulting in a 10-14% loss of 16-24HP of 160HP rated ,and increased fuel use at all ambient temperatures. And add a severe heat load to the engine Coolent system wile climbing grades. Costing Neutral for 3-5mi continuous yealds 50-150°f EGT below idle and coolant20- 30°f below thermostat of 175°f at the bottom of 3 different grades from radiant block cooling.
---- this system is not a purely winter item. We got 2-4 "of snow and below freezing yesterday (4/29/16) spring has sprung but still gets cold . So it will need to add heat on downgrades/ light loading and pull heat on upgrades/ medium loading.
1st gen cummins 91.5 dodge d250 ,HX35W/12/6 QSV
ehxsost manafulld wrap, Aero Tonto
best tank: distance 649gps mi 24.04 mpg 27.011usg
Best mpg :
31.32mpg 100mi 3.193 USG 5/2/20

'83 GMC S-15 Jimmy 2door 2wd O/D auto 3.73R&P
'79 Chevy K20 4X4 350ci 400hp msd custom th400 /np205. 7.5-new 14mpg modded befor modding was a thing
87' Hyundai Excel
83 ranger w/87 2.9 L FI2wd auto 18mpg on the floor
04 Mitsubishi Gallant 2.4L auto 26mpg
06 Subaru Forrester XT(WRX PACKAGE) MT AWD Turbocharged 18 plying dirty best of 26mpg@70mph
95Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 14-18mpg
04 Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 16-22mpg