I've been debt free for a few years now. Kids out of school and on their own, steady income, and a huge desire to be able to pay for a car in cash, were the drivers. Plus I just don't like being in debt. I paid extra on the mortgage from day one, did the same with car loans. Even a few dollars extra on those monthly payments makes a huge difference. It is hands down the easiest and best way to pay down debt.
Even after several years it still feels liberating. I save money now instead of paying it out. I wait until the pot grows big enough for whatever the next purchase will be. Except another house! If/when we go that route we'll downsize and avoid a mortgage that way.
All that having been said, the *national* debt - which I believe was the topic of Old Mech's original post - is a much more complex issue than household debt. There are as many opinions as there are, well, you know.