Not to worry, if you hadn't commented, I'd never have found the Necessity of Ruins article, with the better writing and new contribution.
In the 1970s I worked for a dome manufacturer, who will go unnamed. I built and operated their first factory, but they didn't appreciate what more I could have done for them. The third time they fired me I stopped going back.
I recently found out there is a book by Fuller I didn't know about (I've still got most of the others): Cosmography: A Posthumous Scenario For The Future Of Humanity. I've got it from the Library; it's sort of Synergetics For Dummies.
Dappr Aviation is in Bury St. Edmunds. (Suffolk, UK). The boneyard in AZ is the biggest, Seattle is where they're made.
I like the 5/8ths circle cut of the Aeropod. It's hard to believe the walls are actually that thin.