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Old 05-06-2016, 04:34 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Daox, having owned a "Beater" insight for several years I can attest to what your pretty normal issues are

1. Your rear engine mount is worn out, even if it isn't ripped all the way through its basically failed, those mounts rarely last much past 100k and that causes more "shudder" on the road and even downright hopping off a hard launch as it progresses further.
(examine the thing and you will know what I am talking about)
I "fixed" mine temporarily by shoving some foam that normally insulates pipes into the mount and my shudder went away, I plan on using silicone RTV around the foam to complete the repair,
(filling the mount can have terrible consequences, just an FYI)

2. You likely need your egr valve and plate "fixed".

3. You may also want to perform the valve lash and clean/replace the sock as well. Valve lash & that sock can have random affects on smoothless and leanburn.

If your lazy like me, My recommendation is to run a hot air pipe from around your exhaust and cat and then up and around to the air intake.
If your car is like mine a WAI covers up lean burn issues and EGR issues.
(so you can get by with a dirty plate)

My car runs smooth on the highway but has some herky jerky in cold temps at lower speeds.

Without the WAI I have LOTS of herky jerky under most conditions.

My WAI though is just a vacuum cleaner hose jammed in tied up and run "near" the exhaust manifold (but not close enough to burn)
That isn't nearly as affective as a correctly designed metal WAI sucking air through the CAT shroud.

Next put a gallon of E85 in your next tank, if you have trouble with lean burn you should find that will solve it in of itself, but only if its warm outside
(if your tank isn't full of sludge anyway)

Your battery I can't help with, a discharge recharge is probably best, even doing it using the car helps.

On my car the battery is rather new so I have never had issues (except for cold weather issues with grounds and hot 12v wires) but that's not really "HV" battery issues.

Good Luck

PS I also have an Insight 5mt transmission with under 40000 miles on it, includes a good rear mount ( at least it looks OK)

I can't attest to how good or useable it is, but it shouldn't have the downshift grind, if you offer some $$$ and promise to fix up your XMSN before giving it back we might have a deal.
The catch is I would still want a backup XMSN and I can fix the mount easily enough.

Last edited by rmay635703; 05-06-2016 at 04:44 PM..
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Daox (05-06-2016), Joggernot (05-07-2016), KenS (08-20-2016)