Just got back from my lunch break (Panera bread = the shiz)
i was almost in two accidents, one on the way there, one on the way back.
the 1st one pisses me off the most. The place I work at is on a busy street, I have to take a left out of there to get most places. So im sitting waiting, ICE off, waiting for a hole so that I can start the car and take my left. There's one car coming from the right, but he's far enough away that I should have plenty of room to get in.
Something i misjudged, his speed. The limit on this road is 35mph, he was probably going around 55-60mph (Ford excursion too btw). As I pull into my lane i see him barreling down on me, i'm probly doing about 25 at this point. I had to step on the gas and accelerate to 45mph quickly while he slammed on his brakes, screeched his tires and proceeded to tailgate me. (i slowed back down to the limit. Flips me off on the first opportunity he has to pass me (in the center turn lane mind you)
My question is... if he had hit, and subsequently destroyed my car who's fault is that. my first guess is his, but i pulled out in front of him
Second encounter, this time with a woman on her cell phone, also in an excursion (something about this truck today). This definitely would have been her fault
On the way back the road narrows from 2 lanes to 1 normally everyone follows a zipper pattern and there isn't too much bad congestion (its right after a redlight so nobody's going real fast) Its my turn to merge when all of a sudden the ***** behind me tries to squeeze around me at the last second (there is only 1 very narrow lane at this point) she almost forces me off the road, i didn't give in and let her pass, i stayed my ground untill she had to pull in behind me because there were cars coming at her. I got flipped off again as I turned into work.
i hate people