Thread: Who's at fault?
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:44 PM   #2 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: illinois
Posts: 72

EP3 - '03 Honda Civic Si
90 day: 31.73 mpg (US)

Scooter - '93 Honda Elite 80
90 day: 74.87 mpg (US)

Ape - '07 Aprilia Sportcity 250ie
90 day: 66.97 mpg (US)
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Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts
I have the most touble with inconsiderate people in large suv's, trucks, and minivans. I drive a civic and a scooter and they think for some reason neither belongs on the road. They try to pass in the same lane, try to take the right of way at all 4 way stops(if they even stop), and pull out a car length in front of me when i'm doing 40mph. I don't understand it, i think it's because they have what they call a "sense of security" in thier big vehicle, but it really is just a sense on inconsideration and d*#chebagness. No offense to the people in big vehicles who drive in a humane manner i have no problem with you. But the people who have to dominate everyone else on the road because their vehicle is big are the people who piss me off. And btw i think both of those would be thier fault especiually if they could prove speed in the first one. Sorry if i thread jacked lol.
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