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Old 05-16-2016, 07:43 PM   #84 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Frogger - '00 Honda Insight Gas Only (unHybrid)
90 day: 68.51 mpg (US)
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Thanked 247 Times in 133 Posts
cowmeat: Close! I ordered a single button from him. I figure I can always change out to more buttons later, but I really don't want too many buttons on the shift knob. On top of that, I am trying to teach my wife how to drive a manual. Accidental button pushing and game over man, game over. I'm hoping to get the plug-and-play kill as well, so I can have all the little features and not have to cut into the wiring harness... The guy who makes them is out of country, but is to get back to me once he's available to make them again.

samwichse: Awesome link! More ideas, the better.

I went and took some measurements and I'm pretty curious... it seems you can trim an 80mm fan (to be like the IMA battery fan) and get it to sit inside the hole in the aluminum body behind each vent. Seal it up, and it should pull air far better than anything in front of the vents. This would also flush it up some, so it wouldn't push on the vent/carpet. Any reason why this wouldn't work or hasn't been done? (or has it?!)

Also, I can easily put 32x of 1x3 cells in the rear window with little/no view obstruction. I think this is the route I'll go, giving me up to 18v for if I want to trickle charge the 12v when the fans aren't active.

Also, here's a glimpse of some of the madness behind my sub enclosure... I'm still debating fiberglass VS all wood. Fiberglass would give me a better fit with more airspace, but it's messy, stinky, and time consuming. Hmmmm...

One other thing I'd like to ask the Insight community on here: How do you have your rear view mirror positioned? It's basically 1 of 2 ways... full out the angled glass, or half lower glass, half angled glass. Just curious.
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Last edited by NoD~; 05-29-2019 at 10:35 AM..
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