Originally Posted by freebeard
evtv.me did a linkback to permalink #2739, but no response in the thread.
Is there any interest in using Prius' reactors for buck/boost?
There is definitely interest from me!
I have watched almost all of Wolftronix' videos. He was spending a lot of time on reverse engineering the DMOC 645 EEPROM so that he could change the air-cooled to a water-cooled .. or was that the other way 'round?
That series finished this weekend so I expect he'll be back on the bi-directional buck-boost converter. His battery pack died a while ago and he's using a capacitor and a full-wave bridge as his 'battery pack' for testing controllers.
He also mentioned that he would be looking at the backlog of work that is sitting on his workbench.
The idea to use the Prius inductor is awesome ... now I all I have to do is explain to a wrecker WHAT the inductor is and WHERE to find it on the car!