Torque Pro + BAFX Bluetooth OBD2 adapter vs Scangauge
Howdy folks, I'm hoping someone here has had a chance to use both products back to back and can provide a Cliff Notes comparing the two products?
In my shop the BAFX scanner is very useful as it is a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter, and when you purchase the Torque Pro app for $5 one of the new features it comes with is advanced fuel economy metering plus an eco-driving widget, both of which I've played with and found that when using the 'advanced' mode vs the generic, and have the vehicle profile setup correctly in the tool, the fuel economy measurements are darn near spot on to my hand calculations, plus the tool itself is great to play with, and all for around $30 total.
It also data logs, does long term fuel economy, etc etc etc.
So for those who have used both, what do you gain from Scangauge for the extra coin?