What's the funniest bumper sticker you've seen on an EV or fuel sipper?
One of the guys has these on the back of his Zap! three wheel EV car:
"Sorry... I'm married. A requirement to drive a vehicle like this!" Hilarious
"I only drive this to save money" political statement I guess
"Nuclear Energy IS the answer" yellow w/radiation caution icon. Even Hippies are taking a second look at nuclear power
"Ted Nugent for President" not sure why he chose that?
"my 4x4 truck cost me $6.20 per day to drive to work... this cost me .64cents!" My employers allows us to charge EV's while at work at no cost to the employee. Kinda makes his point about cost.
"This car is as funny as $5 gas!" The Zap! would look like right at home in a Shriner's parade
anyone else have some ecomodder related favorites? bring 'em on!