Thread: HCH1 Ecomodding
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Old 05-23-2016, 04:48 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by KrautBurner View Post
is there a way to tell if the car goes into lean burn?
and whats "IMAC&C"?
IMAC&C is a little box that gives you a manual, separate throttle for the electric motor (and likewise, a separate regenerative brake). It's inexpensive, easy to install, and dead reliable. As a bonus, doing a long press on the regen button in neutral gives you FAS.
Imac&c hch1 civic - Page 3 - Insight Central: Honda Insight Forum
Email Peter at: 150mpg[at]

To enter lean burn: you can feel it if you don't have an OBDIIC&C (a separate display unique to this car and the first gen Insight). Just accelerate to say... 45 mph in 5th, then back off the gas very gently and watch the FCD bars. When you get to about 80mpg, the display will suddenly jump up over 100mpg and you'll feel a loss of power. Then you can gently press the pedal down further... 56mpg is about as far down as you can press the pedal in 5th gear before it kicks out of lean burn mode. With a healthy battery, it'll try and give you assist to hold lean burn before it drops out, so you'll know if you're pressing the pedal too far if the assist suddenly kicks in at a higher point that usual on the fuel consumption display bar.

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