Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Must be different out there. Most of the Prius' I see are driven like they're stolen.
Yeah, I have yet to see anybody trying to hypermile in a Prius in the Idaho area.
"Why bother? It already gets amazing gas mileage! Better than my big truck!"
I always giggle a bit when I get passed by one.
Originally Posted by EVmetro
Exactly. The eco driver may not be the one doing something wrong, and there is a never ending supply of drivers who do what you just described. This accurately describes the never ending changes in the kinetic energy of all the cars who are passing the eco driver. The fuel waste is indeed the fault of the guy who can't manage his kinetic energy, but in the case of many eco drivers, much of the blame goes to them as well. The Prius in the left lane with nobody in front of him and 20 cars behind him is introducing resistance in traffic flow that will waste far more fuel than the few drops that the Prius saves. If the Prius driver were to stay right and out of the way so that the rest of the traffic could flow normally. there would be fewer changes of kinetic energy.
Ya know what REALLY irks me? When you are in the right lane (or 2nd to right, because of exits) with 4+ lanes on the highway and people would rather come up on you, hit the brakes, wait for you to speed up (and you don't, of course), so after some tailing, they FINALLY go around. The whole time, they could have simply swung into another lane and never moved a foot of the accelerator! I find that people are FAR more wasteful in 3+ lanes than in 2. If I'm on the right going at a turtle's pace, people normally get over a lane and pass, but it's rarely the case with more lanes, no matter what lane you get in.