So far I have changed oil and filter - using a 0w20 oil and wix oil filter. Also tires are at 40 psi - borderline top psi for tires on the car. Went on my first roadtrip to canyon ferry lake (about a 200 mile round trip) to visit family. Started out with a full tank and filled up once i got back into town. Using my fuellog app on my smartphone (i use it to track gas milage and oil changes...very useful. I have a andriod phone so it should also be out on apple as well) i got 47.76 mpg at 55 mph drive say im excited is a understatement...cant wait until i have time to add the warm air intake...
btw my prior fillup before that was at 34 mpg and it has been consistantly that for last couple of fillups until this one