Originally Posted by Hersbird
The problem I don't think was a single car on a single lane, but a car beside another car going the same speed (or so close to it you are not really passing) blocking the flow of traffic and creating a bottleneck. Wouldn't it be better for those two cars to get in line and draft and leave the other lane open for passing? A fast draft and a slow draft. In Montana driving slow in the left lane alone really isn't a big deal as most cars have no problem blowing by you on the right without even taking off the cruise control. It's when 2 cars get side by side.
Like I said there needs to be more courtesy and awareness by everyone. Personally when coming up on a slower car will look way back for even faster traffic and do a quick glide and pulse waiting for the faster cars to get by first. If I'm passing another car and they suddenly speed up and match my speed (wierd but seems to happen all the time) I will slow down and draft in behind them, I have a new best friend as far as I'm concerned, better MPG and you can take out the animals for me.
Oh definitely, left-laners are the worst. Surprised Montana doesn't have a left-lane law.
LOL on the approach to blockers... seems a perfectly reasonable way to deal with wannabe racers.