Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I think I know the solar van you're referring to:
Used to live at solarvan.co.uk, which is now defunct (Pete went for 1st gen Insight tinkering instead.)
If so, note the solar/wind was only to trickle the battery pack, which relied on conventional grid recharging in normal use.
yup. that's the one. i recall being impressed by how much distance he got for how much charge, more than i thought it would. enough to make me think
if all surface area was used to convert the light hitting it into usable energy... ideally have it able to run off just sunlight hitting it as it drives along at traffic flow speeds, but i've little illusions/expectation of achieving that, it's just an ideal to orient toward. sunlight during day, distance expected to travel... getting enough out for the power needed... that's easily in the realms of achievable.
i've been a bit
with my plans for this. various projects delayed by various ailments. have been using it only minimally, so ... that's a bit eco i suppose. getting bike fixed too...
even more eco.
no new daihatsu modification action to report. yet.
sry if any of that didnt make sence. it's very late, i'm very tired.