Did a 2100 mile road trip this past weekend. Didn't notice any slow Priuses, Pri-i, what ever plural is for Prius. Anyway, the only one I did notice was the one blowing by us somewhere in Illinois. I had the cruise set at 78 mph, he was going a good 15 mph more than us. And was probably still getting better mileage.
I will say, there are some BAD drivers out there. Wife drove for a leg and was getting pretty damn sick of one Nissan. We were running 72 or so, cruise set. We'd come up on him doing about 50-55 mph and cruise around in the left lane. A few miles later he'd motor by at maybe 85 mph and continue on into the distance. Then we'd suddenly catch him going 50-55 again on the freeway (I-80). We must have went back and forth 7 or 8 times. Same car, same guy, I couldn't see him doing anything in the car, like distracted by a cell phone, etc. Just wildly varying speed.
Then of course the pricks everyone already complained about, pass you while you are on cruise control, then nearly immediately after the pull in you have to switch it off because they are going slower than you were when they passed you.