Originally Posted by aerohead
It was a Yogi Berra moment,in that it wasn't what he didn't know,it was what he thought he knew that just wasn't so.
If he'd actually understood boundary layer theory,he would have known that all his comments were germane only to sub-critical Reynolds number flow,which has no bearing whatsoever with road vehicle aerodynamics.
I tried to tell him that, but I do not know what any of those words mean...
I have always kind of wanted to redo the
Mythbusters Golf Ball Dimple experiment. People say installing a secondary fuel tank and weighing it is scientific, but one mile of A-B testing does not convince anyone here.
Except, I do not think it would persuade anyone. People here would ask why I wasted my time and money. Everyone else would say I obviously did it wrong because those guys are obviously smarter than me.