I would like to do away with mechanical pump for a few reasons. One which is to reduce mechanical load on engine, and to reduce weight if supplemented with a lighter, more efficient electric pump. My AC system- deleted. I want to delete Power steering as well, cant mainly because the pulley helps connect belt to water pump. Getting an electric pump would allow me to do just that. Potentially better cooling. Another reason- I love space in the engine bay. Overall, I seek a near beltless design. Engine has aged/ lost power and in the process reducing things I dont "need" until I have the funds and time to rebuild. At the end of the day bare minimum I'd like the belt only running the alternator. i believe the less crap my engine has to carry with it the more miles I can queeze out of it ( until i get the time and money to rebuild) since not many things are bogging it down, mechanically Oh, and anther reason. I love simplicity. Its my only ride to and from a job i dont mind going to every day
Last edited by Sunaj; 06-09-2016 at 03:13 AM..