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Old 06-09-2016, 11:06 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elhigh View Post
I just wish it weren't so stressful, having to resist the peer pressure of the tailgaters who are so dissatisfied that I won't fill the gap.
Moments like that for me every day...

Today I was on the highway and yeah there was 100 feet between me and the car in front, but I knew he was gonna hit the brakes so I didn't accel up into him and the guy behind me was like tailgating... So stupid.

I just want to be like, "Yeah drive up there as fast as possible so you can slam your brakes even harder!!" It can be frustrating. People just want to race into the stopped traffic at full force.


Oh gosh, this is slightly unrelated, but later today I was driving with my windows down. Know what's more scary than being tailgated? Being tailgated by a crazy woman who is yelling into her cell phone!! I was so paranoid she was going to rear-end me in her fit of rage at whoever was on the receiving end. I have a full-assist brake switch and LED brake lights, every time I was approaching a stop I toggled my brake switch real fast a few times to warn her to pay attention to the road not the sorry sap on the other end of her phone.
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