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Old 06-11-2016, 09:56 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Should I stay or should I go now?

We had four three-day drills with the National Guard this year. Those days are coming from July and September--we do not report those months. I will have completed eight years October first, two in Germany, one in Afghanistan, and four and a half in the Guard. We realized today that, unless I extend, I only have one more drill.

Everyone asks if I want to stay in (or why I would want to). I do not know how many decisions I make based on what I want, but instead what I should do. I do not know that I do anything (for the greater good) reporting to drill every month, but I feel it is one way to try to contribute to society.

I work part-time as an in-home speech therapist, but I consider it to be full-time pay. Once I maintain twenty hours a week I receive a substantial raise and can apply to Northern Arizona University's summers-only Master's program, which would allow me to do my job much better, and pay would increase accordingly.

I would not feel right extending for x years and saying I will not be available for annual training, although this year we had it in April, and it is scheduled for next April, too.

Superficially, if I see a couple of clients every Saturday, I could make more than at drill, although they are offering four thousand to extend two years and twelve thousand to extend six. Also, I am contact-only, so health insurance may be worth as much or more than my pay.

I do not have any complaints about the Army, I just feel it is time to move on, although I hate the idea of having drill immediately preceding finals in grad school, or even the possibility of my Guard responsibilities interfering with completing the program.

Cs only earn undergraduate degrees.

I just want to make the best-informed decision I can. Do any of you have productive feedback? Thank you very much!

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