Originally Posted by aardvarcus
I was planning on following the AST-II top profile and the AST plan taper profile (4:1 aspect ratio?) you had previously shared, unless you think there is a reason to use a different profile on this vehicle.
Thanks for sharing the VW picture, that is very helpful for designing the tire fairings. I am a bit surprised by the size of the leading faring for the rear wheels. I am also surprised by how much wider the fairings are than the wheels/tires. This may be way too complicated, but I had considered using a “U” shaped aft tire fairing with an open back and ducting some engine bay air into the aft tire fairings to “fill the wake” once the fairing ended.
The Buchheim et al contour for roof and sides is a known quantity,so if it will save weight it would be good.
The AST-II is 1-degree more conservative with the roofline.I've not compared the plan-view.
4:1 would be safe for the sides.Some of the lowest drag vehicles have used it.
FYI: the 1981,Randal L. Peterson,NASA boattail was good for a 32% drag reduction.Torbj'o'rn Gustavsson,KTH,Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering,Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm,Sweden,mentioned that
"A less curved (NASA) boattail would (sic) probably given larger differences between a full boat-tail with fully attached flow and a truncated boat-tail."
The Mair tail architecture would better satisfy the attached flow condition